American Horror Story: Cult

American Horror Story: Cult, is the seventh season of Ryan Murphy’s anthology series, American Horror Story. Cult, which focuses around the aftermath and effects of the 2016 Presidential election, looks into the lives of two married women in Michigan.


Taking a more satiric approach on the events in November of 2016, the installment entrances viewers with incredibly frightening fears, from coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) to agoraphobia (the fear of unescapable situations). All of the fears, which the audience first perceives as figments of Ally Richards imagination, Sarah Paulson, are actually being perpetuated and brought into reality by a cult, led by Evan Peters character, Kai. Peters and the rest of his murderous, clown-dressing clan take the audience through different emotions week after week, even going as far as killing members of their own group.

What I enjoy about this series is the ability for Ryan Murphy (director) to take the audience through twists and turns week after week. Murphy has an incredible ability to shift the focus of his characters, allowing for the audience to perceive every personality as a main character. Just in Cult alone, Murphy has shifted from the narrative between Ally and Ivy Richards, to a relationship between Ivy and the clown cult she now calls home. Just like the series, which changes formats, locations and plot lines each season, Cult has already taken the audience across several developed plot lines, and we’re only on episode 5.

AHS Cult is one of the most riveting and “with the time” installments on television right now. The 2016 Presidential election, which is still relevant a year later, is wonderfully portrayed and captured by Ryan Murphy’s well thought out clown series.


4 thoughts on “American Horror Story: Cult

  1. I have seen a few episodes of AHS from their other seasons, but this is the only season I am actually keeping up with. I think this is a great season and every episode has me at the edge of the seat. I agree that Ryan Murphy does a great job at making multiple characters feel like the main character. From only 5 episodes, I know all of their backgrounds now and I feel like I finally have a grip on what’s going on and how the cult began. I love the idea that it focused on Ally being insane and having those phobias, and now we find out she’s not insane and now we are focused on the actual cult members that caused Ally’s mental breakdowns. This is a great season!


  2. I myself am an avid AHS fan since the beginning of the Horror house season 1. I have watched every single season on Netflix until hotel. Reading your blog post gives away some spoilers but I am intrigued to see what this season has to offer, and what the director has to offer next!


  3. After watching the whole season I really felt enlightened. Female rage was brought to life and how men have basically destroyed everything beautiful in life and how they see fit to use people and things and throw them/it away when they’re done.


  4. This season was definitely very different and twisted. Every season is a hot or miss for me. I liked when you said “with time” installments. I do agree with you it is very relevant to what is going on right now. It amazes me how fast they were to create this whole season after the presidential election.


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