I Can’t Be A Fan of Anything

I am not a fan of anything. I do not have favorite celebrities, singers, TV shows, or anything in particular. I do have preferences, but am not crazy about it. However, I have a phase. Last year, I religiously watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I know a lot of people hate the show, but it is actually very entertaining, and the characters have grown so much compared to the first season: they are all independent business women now. I do not care how real the show is, I just liked it because it was entertaining. However I stopped watching after a few months simply because the phase faded. My favorite music genres include: big band music, classic rock, indie bands, as well as French and German songs. However, I do not have a specific favorite singer or group. Usually, I listen to one album over and over, then get tired of it, then completely stop listening to them.e-kardashians-intro-1519659005.jpgp02tvx05.jpg

Being a film major, I like creating movies and taking pictures. However, I just have average knowledge and am not active daily. I should not say this as a filmmaker, but I strongly believe that no movies can be better than those childhood home videos your parents would take. I know that how hard I may try, I cannot make better films than those home videos. Movies are fake anyways. Even though it is a documentary film, it can’t avoid having a perspective or a certain point of view.

A short film I directed last year

I know I sound like such a boring person, but I cannot be enthusiastic over one thing. I cannot even stay in one place for too long. By “too long,” I mean a fews years at maximum. I have lived in four different countries: Japan, USA, UK, and Austria. I love each place but changing environment is very refreshing. I am very excited to move to a new place after graduation in May.

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My home town in Japan – Chiba Prefecture
London, UK – the worst place I have lived…
Salzburg, Austria – The Sound of Music was filmed here. Best Place Ever.

Speaking of living internationally, I have visited 9 countries not including the countries I lived: Germany, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Belgium, Morocco, and Taiwan. I traveled like crazy when I was studying abroad in Austria, because I had only lived on “islands” —Japan and Hawaii — before and it was so fascinating that in Europe, you can go to different countries just by hopping on a bus or train. My personal favorite is Italy, it is simply very beautiful and they have really good food. However, as much as I love traveling, I love sleeping on my own bed. Also because of my unenthusiastic personality, I do not travel like I did before anymore.

Venice, Italy
Santorini, Greece
Essaouira, Morocco

Overall, I think I can conclude that I am a fan of not being a fan. I love my lazy life.


7 thoughts on “I Can’t Be A Fan of Anything

  1. That is definitely an interesting life to lead, in terms of your consumption of entertainment. There are things I’ve been a fan of since I began consuming media independently. Pixar films (the Toy Story trilogy), Star Wars (original trilogy), Queen (always been one of my favorite bands), and I find my taste only evolves as I get older. I never stop completely consuming a single album, film, or game if I really love it. For example, The Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds” will always be downloaded on my Spotify account, because I feel it is timeless. I would be interested to know if you are in a “phase” of entertainment right now, and what it is that you are currently obsessed with.


  2. I wish that I could travel like you! I have never been outside of the country and want to tour Europe so badly! Why was the UK the worst place that you lived though? I would think that it would be so exciting and full of history.


  3. Hi Yukari,

    I can somewhat relate to your phase since I am planning to binge watch a TV series that I used to enjoy when I was a child during summer break. I can also relate with your habit with listening to music since I always do that nowadays (I usually listen to pop punk and rock music such as All Time Low and Green Day). I really wish I could travel like you in order to experience a lot of different places in the future. Overall, thank you for your honesty and continue living and loving your lazy life!



  4. Interesting take on life and fandom. I find there are a few things i geek out about, and i think geeking out is the ultimate sign of fandom. StarWars will always stand out for me as something i will probably never grow out of. While ive been outside the country i wish it was for myself. I hope to someday travel like yourself. Maybe when i am no longer poor. I recently went back to watch an old TV show i used to love as a child… Turns out, it is garbage. The plot was full of holes, the voice acting was terrible, the animation was lazy, and story was too predictable. Although I wasnt expecting too much from an 80s kid’s show, it still let me down in ways i couldn’t handle. In order to preserve what good memories i had of the show, i turned it off and never went back to it.


  5. Hi Yukari!
    That’s so cool, how you visit some many places. I only been to three places and that was China, France and Italy. I do like traveling but I’m honestly scared to visit a new place and live there on my own. I know its all learning experience but it take me about a year until I get comfortable,I often worry and get anxiety a lot. On another note, sometimes losing interest in something you used to love just apart of life. I understand that as sometimes I can get pretty addicted with something at the moment, then a couples of weeks later i’m no longer into it.Then again, what is it to be fan and the different levels of being a fan. I may like the same thing as someone else but I often do not show as much enthusiastic and compassion towards the same series as said someone else does. Anyway from reading your post, maybe you’re interest in just towards traveling and documentary or maybe you’re just a fan of being lazy.


  6. I kinda agree with how you feel about becoming a fan of something. I become a super huge fan of something then it just drops off. Sometimes it sticks around, sometimes it doesn’t. But hey, big band music, now there is something I didn’t think would ever come up. It can be captivating at times I find, especially if you are in the right mood, you will find yourself swinging along to some Glenn Miller. It’s kinda crazy that you have lived, and traveled to some many places. Gives a new meaning to “you’re going to go far in life.”


  7. Wow! That is amazing to see all the places you have been and lived. I have never been outside of the country and wish I had the opportunity to travel as much as you.
    For me, I am a big fan in some things like food and Beyonce.
    Also, interesting view on how the best films are home videos.


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