Missile Threat

I was still at home when this occurred.  It was pretty surreal to hear people talking about it when I got here. I talked to a few teammates who live in my house about it and what sort of reactions that had once they received the alert on their phone. Person 1 said that they just went on with the day like any other and sat in his bed on youtube. Person 2 started packing a backpack and took his girlfriend to Lower Bishop in hopes to go underground. Person 1 is a freshman and person 2 is a senior. It was interesting see the different reactions from the different ages. I think it would have been interesting to see what people were doing during that time. I thought about it and my first thought, if I was here, probably would have been to just go to the water. I watched the false alarm being discussed on the news at home and I know there were a lot of people who were very upset. My parents were a little uneasy after hearing another parents interview about how he received a text from his son saying there was a missile inbound. I can’t imagine the feeling but I’m sure it could have been a wake up call for a lot of people. I never really did any research on what happened so I’m still a little confused how it happened.

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