Ready Player One

I recently watched this movie with a couple teammates the other night and thought it was a cool idea to blog regarding modern media. Without spoiling anything, this movie is about a creator of a virtual reality world called the OASIS dying, then releasing a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will give the finder his fortune. This movie reminded me a lot of the virtual reality game that we have in the E sports lounge, although in the movie the people rely much more on there virtual world. The movie is based on Ernest Cline’s bestseller. The film is set in 2045, with the world on the brink of chaos and collapse. But the people have found salvation in the OASIS, an expansive virtual reality universe. It is interesting to see sort of post apocalypse theme pair with the virtual reality. The concept was great, because so much of happiness was placed in this virtual word, and once it was beaten the major theme of the movie surfaced and that is that reality is a beautiful thing. It made me think about the way we communicate as a culture today. Even with classmates. We have social medias that basically once we follow someone we sort of feel like okay now we are friends and no need to really establish a face to face relationship because you already know what is going in there life based off what they post. You sort of have that relationship shallowly locked in as long as you follow them on social media, but never really get to truly see who they are. The movie sort of portrays this idea when each of the teammates within the game meet up in real life and end up becoming friends and working to gather both inside the game and in reality. They all display a version of themselves that they think is most desirable within the game. I thought this related a lot to social media because we have the ability to show only the best parts of our lives and ourselves. 

2 thoughts on “Ready Player One

  1. I heard this movie was really good. I really like the whole virtual reality game idea. I love going to the E-Sports arena to play with the virtual reality games. It is so cool, it is crazy how in the virtual reality game you could be on something extremely high and feel as if you are really there. It is mind blowing, even though you know it is fake it still scares you. I really want to watch this movie!


  2. From reading this, I really appreciate the message this movies gives. I do love the access the internet give us with being able to communicate with others. However, with the internet you can not get the same experience that only reality, as people often do put on a personal when on the internet. When it comes to the real world, you can see someone for who they really are. Anyway, I may check out this movie when I have the time. Sounds interesting.


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